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School Days with Sensory Processing Disorder

Wow. It’s only 8:45am and I’m already needing a nap! Kayden was diagnosed with Sensory Processing Disorder and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder on top of his ADHD diagnosis  a few years ago. That struggle is so real. It’s every day, every moment, every activity. To say it controls a lot of how we do things in our household is a massive understatement. That doesn’t mean I hate it. I wouldn’t change him for the world. He is my entire world.  My sweet, caring, big hearted guy is so sensitive to any sensory stimulation, it can make even the simplest task a melt down. Waking up and getting ready for school is one of those simple things that just isn’t easy for my kiddo. I mean, waking up sucks for everyone, but add in SPD and it’s a whole new level. His body can’t handle the sensory change of a warm blanket to getting dressed. His eyes can’t handle the morning lights, and the fast pace of school mornings send my baby into complete  Sensory Overload.  Every morning is the s...

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