Mommy Monday: On Tad Late Tuesday - DIY BATH STUFF... yes STUFF

Okay okay. Sticking true to form I suppose. As a momma it's hard to find time to blog. So... here's our late-of-course Mommy Monday which I will be uploading on "Tad-Late-Tuesday". (Pray that's just a joke this week like I intend and not a norm haha) 

Tonight isn't anything specific but more or less a list of "stuff" you can put in your bath to make it more relaxing. And don't worry. We're not talking the usual rubber ducky up the butt kinda stuff. We're talking smells good, feels good, sounds good... lets not go down the tasting route. We'll leave that for the spunky toddler trying to eat his bubbles. =P

-lavender ANYTHING
      I love anything that smells like lavender. Bath salts, bubbles, oils, scrubs. Lavender is a calming scent and said to relieve tension and headaches.

-fruity body washes
     Nothing makes you feel sweeter or girlier than smelling like strawberries or my personal favorite- pomegranate. 

-bath bombs
     My favorite ones are from LUSH. Holy cow amazing! I get them off amazon every once in a while when Mr. Creamer gives me money for a gift. He should know by now that if he doesnt know what to get he should just buy me feel good smell good bath goodies! =P You can get the lush ones off Amazon for pretty cheap.

 -bath salts
     The wondrous ease of DIYing bath salts is awesome. I will probably make next Mommy Monday's post on that. But... you can use so many different household things. Epsom salts are awesome. Baking soda, corn starch too. They really relax sore muscles and irritated skin.

-slow soft music
     i love music while i bathe; especially slow sweet love songs but whatever relaxes you, put it on.

Sorry this wasnt totally awe inspiring today. But I could use a nice hot bath and I'm thinking you probably could too after the long day you've had. Put the munchkins to sleep, run the hot water, get a good book and your bath essentials and go ignore the rest of the world for an hour!


  1. Well weren't you a day early with Sunday? It all evens out. Wish I could take an Epson salt bath, it detoxes you though and that's a no no while breastfeeding. I may have to sneak some in my foot spa though ;)

  2. sneaking it in a foot spa is actually great for bfing mommas! Give it a try girly!


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