You said Mama
Ok. Yeah you've kinda mumbled it here and there in the mornings when we wake up but today you said it clear as day! And I got it on video! That's the first time you've ever actually said Mama so clear and actually said it. I'm so proud of you little man! You're my everything! You're getting sooo big! I took you to the park last Thursday for the first time. You love the swings! I can't wait to take you back again! You're already five months old and eating rice cereal twice a day. I can't believe my precious baby is almost half a year old! You're laughter is my favorite song. You're smile is my favorite picture. And you my sweet boy; you are my sunshine! I will always love you Kayden. Always no matter what. You will forever be my sunshine. Rain or shine, you are the light in my life Cupie Doll. Mommy loves you.
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